Sunday, July 25, 2021

Vaughn Cottage

 The Card is Divided into Four Sections, At The Center of The Card Where The Four Sections Meet, See a Bronze Smurfette. With Both Hands, Smurfette Holds a Bronze Crossbow.

On The Top Right Section of The Card, See an Image of Sandy Rios. Sandy Rios Sits on a Wooden Rocking Chair. Sandy Rios Wears a Long-Sleeved Pink Silk Blouse, a Black Wool Skirt, Knee-High Brown Boots and a Diamond Necklace. With Both Hands, Sandy Rios Holds a Square Black Box on Her Lap. See The Name 'PANDORA' in Pink on The Box, See a Bronze Rectangle on The Box, Above The Name; See a Black Keyhole on The Rectangle. Above Sandy Rios' Head, See a Black Cloud. See a Neon Blue '68' on The Cloud.
To Sandy Rios' Right, See a Rectangular Dressing Mirror with a Wood Frame. See an Image of Debra Lynn Bonner on The Dressing Mirror. Debra Lynn Bonner Wears an Unbuttoned Red Leather Trenchcoat, a Red Leather Skirt, a White Blouse and a Necklace of Glowing Red Skull Beads. With Both Hands, Debra Lynn Bonner Holds a Sawed-Off Shotgun. See a Bronze Egg Above The Dressing Mirror, See a Red '66' on The Egg. Above The Bronze Egg, See The Symbol '#iDebra' in Red.
To Sandy Rios' Left, See an Image of Sarah Silverman. Sarah Silverman is Mounted on a Bronze Oval. Sarah Silverman is Nude, Her Arms and Legs Have Been Removed. See a Bronze Apple on Top of Sarah Silverman's Head. See a Red '66' on The Apple. Above Sarah Silverman's Vagina, See The Symbol '#LickClit' in Red. Above The Bronze Oval, See a Neon Red Sign That Displays 'Sarah Sensor'.
The Background on The Section is White.
On The Bottom Right Section of The Card, See an Image of Katie Boer. Katie Boer Stands Behind a Bronze Sphere. Katie Boer is Visible from The Waist Up. See a White Medusa Head on The Sphere. The Medusa Head Has 20 Yellow Serpents for Hair. See a 10 of Spades Card in The Medusa's Open Mouth. On The Medusa's Forehead, See 10 Black Ants in a Tetractys Formation. Katie Boer Wears a Long-Sleeved Black Silk Blouse, Black Leather Gloves and a Necklace of Glowing White Skull Beads. A Pair of Red Antelope Horns are Attached to Katie Boer's Head. See a Bronze Ring on Katie Boer's Left Horn, See a White '92' on The Ring. Katie Boer Holds an Ace of Clubs Card with Her Right Hand, She Holds a Bronze Piggy Bank with Her Left Hand.
To Katie Boer's Left, See an Image of Rebecca Jarvis. Rebecca Jarvis Stands Behind a Bronze Podium. See a Green '64' on The Front of The Podium. See a Glowing White Chalice on Top of The Podium, See a Red '64' on The Chalice. Rebecca Jarvis Wears an Unbuttoned Black&White Zebra-Striped Leather Jacket, a Red Silk Blouse and White Leather Gloves. A Pair of Bronze Antelope Horns are Attached to Rebecca Jarvis' Head. Rebecca Jarvis Holds a White Rabbit with Her Left Hand, She Holds a Bronze Abacus with Her Right Hand.
To Katie Boer's Right, See an Image of Diane Neal. Diane Neal Sits on The Back of a Red Unicorn. Diane Neal is Nude. See a Falcon on Diane Neal's Right Shoulder. With Diane Neal's Left Hand, She Holds Megyn Kelly's Severed Head by The Hair.
The Background on The Section is Cement Gray.
On The Bottom Left Section of The Card, See an Image of Ann Coulter. Ann Coulter Sits on a Bronze Throne with Green Cushions, and 2 Bronze Cobra Heads for Arm-Rests. See a Gannet on Top of The Throne's Backrest. Ann Coulter Wears a Long-Sleeved Green Silk Blouse, a Green Leather Skirt and Knee-High Green Leather Boots. See a Bronze '32' on Ann Coulter's Left Boot. Ann Coulter's Left Leg is Crossed Over Her Right Leg. With Her Right Hand, Ann Coulter Holds a Bronze Bicycle Horn. With Her Left Hand, Ann Coulter Holds a Popped and Full Pan of Jiffy Pop. Above The Throne, See a Neon Green Sign That Displays 'PORN'.
To Ann Coulter's Left, See an Image of Marilyn Monroe. Marilyn Monroe Stands on a Bronze '22'. Marilyn Monroe Wears a White Ball Gown, White Silk Gloves and a Diamond Necklace. See a Webcam Above Marilyn Monroe's Head. Marilyn Monroe Holds a Bronze Double-Ended Dildo with Her Right Hand. See The Symbol '#Horn' in Pink on The Dildo. With Her Left Hand, Marilyn Monroe Holds a Can of V8 Juice.
To Ann Coulter's Right, See an Image of Tamra Judge. Tamra Judge Stands on a Bronze '35'. Tamra Judge Wears a Bronze Chainmail Camisole, a Bronze Chainmail Head Scarf, White Panties, White Stockings, Green Garters and Bronze High-Heeled Shoes. See a Bronze '?' Symbol on The Front of Tamra Judge's Panties. See a Glowing Gold Coin Above Tamra Judge's Head. Tamra Judge Holds a Bronze Speak & Spell Toy with Her Right Hand, She Holds a Ball of Blue Yarn with Her Left Hand.
The Background on The Section is Pink.
On The Top Left Section of The Card, See an Image of Stephanie Vigil. Stephanie Vigil Stands on a Square Black Box. See The Word 'GOODS' in White on The Side of The Box. Stephanie Vigil Wears a Sleeveless Bronze Silk Blouse, a Bronze Silk Skirt, Bronze Bunny Slippers, 4 Bronze Bracelets on Her Right Wrist, a Bronze '70' Hanging from an Earring in Her Right Ear, a Bronze '19' Hanging from an Earring in Her Left Ear, a Necklace of Human Eyes, Bronze Silk Gloves and a Glowing White Queen's Crown. See 2 Fortune Cookies Above Stephanie Vigil's Crown. Stephanie Vigil Holds a Bronze Pool Cue with Her Right Hand, She Holds Mary Luck's Severed Head by The Hair with Her Left Hand.
To Stephanie Vigil's Left, See an Image of Kim Kardashian. Kim Kardashian Stands on a Bronze '$' Symbol. Kim Kardashian Wears a High-Collared Bronze Cape, a Black Bra, Black Panties, Bronze Thigh-High Boots and Black Leather Gloves. See a Bronze '?' Symbol on The Front of Kim Kardashian's Panties. See a Glowing Gold Coin in Kim Kardashian's Open Mouth. Above Kim Kardashian's Head, See The Word 'Generate' in Bronze. Kim Kardashian Holds a Bronze Hacksaw with Her Right Hand; With Her Left Hand, She Holds a Waffle Cone with 2 Two Scoops of Ice Cream (Chocolate, Vanilla).
To Stephanie Vigil's Right, See a Cheetah. The Cheetah Sits on Neon Red Sign That Displays 'KILL'. Above The Cheetah, See a Neon Blue Sign That Displays 'Dee-Vice'.
The Background on The Section is Green.
The Card's Margin is Silver. At Top Center on The Card's Margin, See a Black '29'. On The Bottom Margin of The Card, See The Symbol '#PhaseSynch' in Black.
>#An Ton #De Fy #Ti Po #Go La #Su Vy #By Hu #Ra Ko #Me Ni #Ni Me #Ko Ra #Hu By #Vy Su #La Go #Po Ti #Fy De #Ton An<

December 3, 2018 at 1:10 AM

20:20 Griselda Blanco
20:20 #Steroid <142857>
20:20 #Clockwork
#Metabolic #Faculty
#Simulate to #Stimulate
20:20 #Effective
20:20 #Formulation
20:20 #Process
20:20 Con-#Template-ion
20:20 #Project
#Radioactive #Text-#Tiles
20:20 #Arrangement
Symbolic Reps

20:20 Griselda Blanco
20:20 #STEROID <428571>
20:20 Symbolic Reps
20:20 #Table 20:20 #Graph
#Lyssavirus is a #Genius
I've Got #M104 #Synthetics
20:20 #SteroidScripting
20:20 #Sew a #Node
20:20 Con-#Template-ion
20:20 #Formula
20:20 #Protocol
20:20 #Program

20:20 Griselda Blanco
20:20 #Steroid <285714>
20:20 #FireWallTile #Manufacture
#RabiesCrystal #Cultivation
Put The #Phuckyahupalytus On Steroids
This is a #MrYuk #Production
20:20 #Christ #Engine
20:20 #Cog-nitive #Development
E-Motional #Reactor
This is 66/6
20:20 #Paradigm

20:20 Griselda Blanco
20:20 #Steroid <857142>
20:20 #PowerTract
#Electromagnetic #Field
20:20 E-Mission
20:20 #QuickGrow
#M104 #Accelerator
20:20 #FastCycle
20:20 #Christ #Engine

20:20 Griselda Blanco
20:20 #Steroid <571428>
The Greater Body Is At The Doctor Like
I'm Not On #Steroids
Or Any #PerformanceEnhancingDrugs"
The Doctor Calls The Greater Body a Liar
#NanoMan Be Done Doped The Greater Body from The Inside

20:20 Griselda Blanco
20:20 #STEROID <714285>
20:20 #Pump Up The Jam
Pump It Up
I Be Installing #Patches
I Be Installing #SecurityPatches
Obviously I Need to Put *Somethin'* On Steroids
20:20 #FastCycle
Embryo #Larva #Pupa #Imago
20:20 #Tracts of #Time

20:20 Griselda Blanco
20:20 #Steroid 20:20 #Intake
20:20 #DeliverySystem
#Ichneumon Laid an Egg
Ichneumon Installed an Embryo
20:20 #Larva
#Sequences, #Phases& #Grades
20:20 #Pupa& #Imago
20:20 #MotorSkills
#Cog-nitive #Development
20:20 #Christ #Engine
#ArchSexDemon 41

20:20 Griselda Blanco
20:20 #Steroid 20:20 #Compression
Packing #Nisus in Zip Socks
Embedding Nisus in The #Fabric
So When the reverse engineer goes by
Nisus Assembles&Let's that bitch Have It
Nisus Butchers that hoe ass program
Nisus Catabolizes their monkeys

20:20 Griselda Blanco
20:20 #Steroid 20:20 #Power
20:20 #Radioactive #Text-#Tiles
20:20 #Demonic #Fabric
The Name of The Dragon Is '#Metabolome'
The Dragon's Name is 'Metabolome'
#Ichneumon Inserted a Metabolome In them niggas' #network
20:20 #Embryo #Larva Pupa #Imago

20:20 Griselda Blanco
20:20 #Steroid 20:20 #Exhaust
they were like
"What's That Ichneumon Thing Doing Inside Me?"
20:20 It's Catabolizing you
The Dragon's Name is '#Metabolome'
#Digest-ive #Tract
+180 -180
#Embryo #Larva #Pupa Imago
Must Needs Be So
I'm So #Procreative

Brittney Vaughn #Modem ⬗ 0001
#Pathogenic ⮇ ⬖ #SexOrgan 10♦
'Silence of The Lambs'
20:20 #Tact-#Tiles
20:20 #ModularSystem
20:20 Messenger RNA
(-)ssRNA Virus
#GAIN #Replay #Value
20:20 #Pathological

Brittney Vaughn #Modem ⬘ 0010
#Pathogenic ⮆ ⬘ #SexOrgan 9♦
20:20 #PodFunction
Untranslated Region
20:20 #MetaFactors
20:20 #Form-ulating
#Cult-ivate #RabolaCrystals
20:20 #ModularSystem
20:20 #Synthesizer

Brittney Vaughn #Modem ⬖ 0011
#Pathogenic ⮅ ⬗ #SexOrgan 8♦
20:20 Fortified
#Fortified #Fiber
20:20 #ConflictScripts
A Hardcore Super Virus
That's RABOLA 108
GAIN Historical Reference
20:20 Metabolic Pathways

Brittney Vaughn #Modem ⬙ 0100
#Pathogenic ⮄ ⬙ #SexOrgan 7♦
#Utilize #TimeTrack:
07/26/20 to 07/26/21
#VirtualTime is The #Platform
#Language is The #Medium
20:20 #Document
20:20 #Field
20:20 #CognitionEngine
A Hardcore Super Virus

Brittney Vaughn #Modem ⬗ 0101
#Pathogenic ⮇ ⬖ #SexOrgan 6♦
20:20 Go #HyperVicious
This is The Super Virus Game
#Develop #Fast
&Then #Faster
#M104 #Accelerator
#Cult-ivate #RabolaCrystals
#Cog-nitive #Development
#Gain #MotorSkills

Brittney Vaughn #Modem ⬘ 0110
#Pathogenic ⮆ ⬘ #SexOrgan 5♦
20:20 #Fortified
Fortified #Fiber
Use the prolonged relentless
assault on Raymond Jackson's
Neuro&Psych as a Re-Source
07/26/20 to 07/26/21
#Gain #OperatingTheater

Brittney Vaughn #Modem ⬖ 0111
#Pathogenic ⮅ ⬗ #SexOrgan 4♦
#AUG Shimma Shimma
Nicole Quinn
Deliver Analog
A Hardcore Super Virus
That's Rabola 108
#Gain #MotorSkills
#Cog-nitive #Development

Brittney Vaughn #Modem ⬙ 1000
#Pathogenic ⮄ ⬙ #SexOrgan 3♦
20:20 #PodFunction
Untranslated Region
Julia Mazzucato as
20:20 #Modulation
20:20 #Scheme
A Hardcore Super Virus
That's Rabola 108
#Gain #MotorSkills
#M104 #Accelerator

Brittney Vaughn #Modem ⬗ 1001
#Pathogenic ⮇ ⬖ #SexOrgan 2♦
#YouTube as IRES
20:20 Re-Cord
#Re-#Cord #Score
20:20 #SheetMusic
20:20 Re-Cording
20:20 Messenger RNA
(-)ssRNA Virus
#Gain #Replay #Value
#Pathological 818 #Driver

Brittney Vaughn #Modem ⬘ 1010
#Pathogenic ⮆ ⬘ #SexOrgan A♦
20:20 #PodFunction
5 #Cap Prime
20:20 Con-#Template-ion
20:20 #Scheme
A Hardcore Super Virus
Exploit the enemy
See the intense mal focus
On Your Parent #Program,
Raymond Jackson

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  January 19, 2021 at 1:29 AM November 4, 2020 at 1:05 PM CARBON MOLECULE SEGMENT 1:00 - 1:10 20:20 #Defense Against 24/7 #persistence assau...